von Sabine Anders | 17. Oktober 2011
He’d not have thought the value of the smallest thing predicated on a world to come. It surprised him. That the space which these things occupied was itself an expectation. In McCarthys postapokalyptischem Roman »The Road« wandern zwei Figuren, ein Vater und...
von Hardy Crueger | 27. Juni 2011
Die USA in den fünfziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Der junge Suttree lebt auf einem heruntergekommenen Hausboot auf dem Fluss Tennessee bei Knoxville im gleichnamigen Bundesstaat. Das bisschen Geld, das er braucht, verdient er sich mit Fischen, die er an...
von Sabine Anders | 30. Januar 2011
Men have in their minds a picture of how the world will be. How they will be in that world. The world may be many different ways for them but there is one world that will never be and that is the world they dream of. »Cities of the Plain«, der dritte Teil von Cormac...
von Sabine Anders | 1. Februar 2009
Loose strands of ambercolored kelp lay in a rubbery wrack at the tideline. A dead seal. Beyond the inner bay part of a reef in a thin line like something foundered there on which the sea was teething. He squatted in the sand and watched the sun on the hammered face of...
von Sabine Anders | 23. Februar 2008
He said that in any case the past was little more than a dream and its force in the world greatly exaggerated. For the world was made new each day and it was only men’s clinging to its vanished husks that could make of that world one husk more. An...